variables for the "D" point as well as the low and high of the PRZ

Тема в разделе "Зиг-Заг. Системы с использованием ZigZag.", создана пользователем trader346, 26 мар 2009.

  1. trader346

    trader346 Новичок

    Hello nen (or anyone else that can answer this)...

    Can you tell me what code (i think its icustom) I woudl need to write to import the value of "D" once a gartly pattern is found? As well as the low and high of the PRZ? (The red box)?

    Thank you so much!
  2. Quod Licet

    Quod Licet Активный пользователь

    All red-boxes are common mt4 objects (not icustom arrays), so you should iterate through them and find appropriate ones. I don't remember exact prefixes for PRZ, but you can click it on the chart and check the name.

    for(int i=0;i<ObjectsTotal();i++) {
    string name = ObjectName(i);
    if (ObjectType(name) == OBJ_RECTANGLE && StringSubstr(name,0,len_of_prefix) = "prefix_") blah-blah... double p = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE1)...

    hope this helps,

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