Zup...great Job, But I Dont' Speak Russian

Discussion in 'Зиг-Заг. Системы с использованием ZigZag.' started by didjeridoo, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. didjeridoo

    didjeridoo Новичок

    Hi everybody
    I read the article onto MQL4.com and was exactely was i''m looking for, Nen did really a great job, unfortunately I dont' speak russian... i'm David ,i'm Italian, writing in english onto a Russian forum.. can you imagine it? I spent 45 minutes to register and erite thid first post, unbelivable what internet can do.... Anyway

    This patter reconition it's really interesting and me an my programmer are trying to using, but we have some problem, I hope to find some help here.

    1) we perfectly see on the chart the v. zup60 but not the zup73, it' draws nothing ....sometimes my programmer was able to see it after restarting but not me .... any help or suggestion?

    2) we try to read the value from the indicator, using the icon "DATA WINDOWS" the cross icon, but we was unable, I mean it doesn't give any useful value nor signal

    3) we are loking for a traslation to english of the indicator, beacuse this is what we see
    <img src="http://www.intermundia.it/zup73.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    ok i know theese are basic and annoying question anyway, we can pay for theese help if there are no other solution, we know that this is an high quality thread and we enjoy to talk with these people here, so this is the most important thing.

    please help

    this is my skype account: intermundia-to
    i hope to get in touch with someone of this worderful minds

  2. nen

    nen Профи форума

    Hi, David

    <a href="http://articles.mql4.com/376" target="_blank">http://articles.mql4.com/376</a>
    <a href="http://articles.mql4.com/444" target="_blank">http://articles.mql4.com/444</a>
  3. nen

    nen Профи форума

    Since 66 versions for work with ZUP it is necessary to connect DLL:

    Tools->Options->Expert Advisors->[v]Allow DLL imports


    Strumenti->Opzioni->Consiglieri esperti->[v]Permetti importazioni DLL
  4. Maumax

    Maumax Новичок

    Also try this
    Currently Ace Translator supports translations between following languages:

    Chinese (Simplified)
    Chinese (Traditional)

    System Requirements:

    Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista
    An active Internet connection

    <a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/78523628/atrans.rar" target="_blank">http://rapidshare.com/files/78523628/atrans.rar</a>

    Enjoy Maumax
  5. maccavity

    maccavity Новичок

    Great on-line dictionary as well is www.multitran.ru
    There are all sorts of special phrases and vocabulary including the stock and forex markets.
    This is not an advertisment. No affiliation whatsoever with them. Just my usual tool.

  6. didjeridoo

    didjeridoo Новичок

    thank you for the info.... you are really smart you put alo the italian translation.... thank you, anyway I use the english version.

    anyway the problem are not the articles that i already read in english, the problems are inside the mq4 that is written in english and beacuse of my pc is not in russian ... we see only strange text .. so i can't translate...

  7. didjeridoo

    didjeridoo Новичок

    thank you for the informations, i will sure try, anyway the problem is that we don't see the russian typho.... we just see strange typho see the image please ....

  8. Maumax

    Maumax Новичок

    Yes David I know what you see on your computer, I'm sure it looks like mine.
    Nothing in life is easy, so after the translation, even if you use the online version as maccavity
    you will most likely need to do a little sorting out and perhaps a visual interpetation of what was translated to get the final product.



    Attached Files:

    • zup.jpg
      File size:
      121.7 KB

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